
  • Paying respect to local veterans

    | Published on November 16, 2021 at 8:37pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Photo by Tucker HendersonVeterans from across the region converged on New York Mills School on Thursday for the annual Veterans Day program. During the program, Isaac Geiser places a Quilt of Valor on Jerry Anderson (above).

  • Trophies, points, and great memories

    | Published on November 9, 2021 at 4:54pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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  • Youth capture deer, memories during youth hunt

    | Published on November 2, 2021 at 3:28pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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  • Getting all ready for Halloween in New York Mills

    | Published on November 2, 2021 at 3:10pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Photos by Chad Koenen Area children turned out in a big way on Saturday for a pair of Halloween events in New York Mills. In the afternoon the Cultural Center hosted a special Halloween party with everything from games to arts and crafts projects. Later in the evening, Mills Lanes and Lucky Strike Grill hosted a… Read More

  • Walking door to door to help stock the shelves

    | Published on October 27, 2021 at 7:51pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    St. Peter’s Youth Group (grades 7-12) will be doing a door to door Food Shelf Scavenger Hunt from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 3. The food drive results will be given to the New York Mills Food Shelf. The food is equal to $1 for each pound or item received. Besides food needs, the youth… Read More

  • Jaxon Smidt

    | Published on October 12, 2021 at 3:54pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Caitlyn McLeod and Jason Smidt, of New York Mills, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jaxon Arnold-Michael Smidt, who was born on September 28, 2021. He weighed 7 pounds and was 19 inches long. He was delivered by Doctor Shaneen Schmidt at Tri-County Health Care in Wadena.  Proud siblings are Ethan and Jason…. Read More

  • Thank You

    | Published on October 12, 2021 at 3:03pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Thanks to all who have been so kind with wishes and prayers. Carol Mann

  • Thank You

    | Published on October 12, 2021 at 3:02pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  Your presence meant so much and it was so much fun seeing everybody visiting and reconnecting with each other. Thank you also to everyone who sent us cards. Your thoughtfulness meant a lot.   A special thank you to Charlene and Ryan for… Read More

  • School spirit on display at homecoming week

    | Published on October 7, 2021 at 7:13pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Photos by Chad Koenen Homecoming week was held at New York Mills School last week. Among the activities was a pepfest, featuring a game in which students tried to pop a balloon attached to the leg of another student, as well as the red wagon parade. Homecoming week actually began last Monday during the coronation ceremony… Read More

  • NYM Class of 1956 holds 65th reunion

    | Published on September 23, 2021 at 5:11pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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