Tucker’s Telegram

Tucker Henderson

I want to take a moment out of your day to talk about a woman near and dear to a lot of Dispatch reader’s hearts. Lois Wiirre, creator of the ‘Everything Old is New Again’ recipe column has been sharing her family recipes and the stories behind them for over a decade. She has taught us to make everything from Finnish viili to creamed peas on toast and everything in-between.

I went to visit Lois recently and we talked about all kinds of fun history, Finnish traditions, old recipes, and of course, faith. With her health failing, Lois wanted to thank all of her readers for the many years of positive feedback, stories of their family recipes, and say a final farewell to those who have been loyal recipe readers for the past decade.

Well, the coffee pot is turned off now… Goodbye all… Lois.

A life well-lived


• One large dollop of Finnish sisu

• A large and loving family

• A heaping measure of faith

• One heart of gold

• Mixture of joy, laughter, and happy times

• A pot of strong, hot coffee


Start with the measure of faith as that is the basis of a good life. Add in the heart of gold and dollop of Finnish sisu next as these will make it much easier to combine. Sift in the large and loving family as well as the mixture of joy, laughter, and happy times. Sprinkle in a couple of close friends for good measure and proof for as long as you’re able.

Serve with strong, hot coffee and any of Lois’ recipes and make sure to share it with those you love to really make the most of the experience.