Publisher’s Perspective

Chad Koenen

Every March we hear the statistics concerning how much productivity and work will be lost due to workers following the March Madness basketball tournament. Every November, a similar slow down of work occurs in Minnesota, especially in this part of the state, when it comes to deer hunting. 

Now I am not a hunter, nor do I pretend to be one either, but every year about this time it seems like one cannot talk to another person for more-than a few minutes without the subject of deer hunting coming up. There are schools in the state that take Friday off and many businesses close down for a portion of the week to allow hunters the opportunity to spend the day getting ready for hunting, instead of day dreaming about their time in the field while at work. 

It is a great weekend for this area, if for no other reason than it helps eliminate some of the deer that keep trying to run into my car while I drive 55 mph down the road. 

A few years ago when I was driving to work at 6 a.m. I has to slow down for a group of deer. I was maybe going 15 mph at the time, and a deer literally ran into the back of my car. It scared the poop out of me as my coffee spilled all over my leg and before I could open my door to apologize for getting in its way, the idiot deer was already into the field. Fortunately there was no damage to my car because I’m not sure how realistic it would have been to explain to my wife that the damage to the back of my car was caused by a deer running into the back of my car at a near standstill, while the other deer in the herd walked slowly in front of my car. 

I don’t doubt that the deer that ran into the back of my car ended up as a new decoration at the home of a local resident. After all, if it was stupid enough to run into my nearly parked car once, there is a good chance he tried to show off his athletic prowess again in another epic fail. 

That being said, we want to continue a tradition in the New York Mills Dispatch of running deer hunting pictures in our newspaper. All you have to do is drop off a copy of your picture at the newspaper office, email it to or share it with us on our Facebook page. We will run all of the pictures we receive in an upcoming issue of the Dispatch 

The picture can be of a doe or buck, big or small. All we need to know is who got the deer and who is in the picture. We always enjoy hearing the stories of how the deer were harvested, and each year we receive a number of comments from readers about how much they enjoy seeing the pictures of area hunters.

If you have any questions feel free to give me a call at (218) 385-7720 at any time.