Dear Communities of Wadena, Deer Creek and Bluffton,

    Teachers are facing daily challenges with today’s education of our students. Our teachers are heroes, as they work diligently, trying to meet the educational needs of all students. 

     WDC enrollment is increasing and we are now lacking space to accommodate all students in both schools. We have grade level sections that are already too large and I cannot imagine having to cut teachers and increase class sizes. Parents want their children to be successful in school and the best way to achieve this is to have small class sizes and provide special services for those that need them to thrive.

      With a job market screaming for workers and specialized trade jobs are in high demand, with very good wages, student’s interests are changing.  As educators we need to change gears to meet the educational desires of these students.  Our present shop area needs to be upgraded to meet the standards required to have an effective Career/Trade and Technical Education program.  

     I have been a part of Wadena-Deer Creek Public Schools since I was 5 years old. I received my first teaching and coaching job in Deer Creek. I then moved onto Wadena-Deer Creek to coach volleyball for the past 30 years and have been a full-time substitute teacher for many years.  It has been an unbelievable ride with an outstanding faculty, athletes and students second to none!! 

     As we face other issues laid out in this referendum, that are also very important, please visit our website to learn more about each one.   The negative impact of a failed referendum is significant and these issues will not go away, but continue to grow and become even more expensive down the road. We need to stay ahead of the game and we will continue to grow in a very positive way.  A school is the centerpiece of a community and the community will grow with a strong school.  

     Please highly consider a YES vote with early voting or vote on November 7th.

     Thank you for your time and consideration. 

 Sue Volkmann,

Deer Creek