
  • Twenty years of Minnesota traffic safety program

    Published on November 21, 2023 at 4:14pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I just saw something about a Minnesota traffic safety program that’s been around for 20 years. Can you talk more about that?   Answer: Yes, here is some information we shared on our DPS blog: “Minnesota has seen a 32 percent reduction in traffic fatalities between 2003 and 2022, in part… Read More

  • Recalling classic Burma Shave signs

    Published on November 21, 2023 at 4:13pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda A man, a miss, A car a curve. He kissed the miss, And missed the curve. (I know. You’ve seen this before. I was six or seven and can remember seeing one of these close to home in Iowa, from the back seat of the family 1949 Chevrolet. Each time I “rediscover” it in my… Read More

  • A final farewell to a beloved friend

    Published on November 14, 2023 at 7:22pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    Tucker’s Telegram Tucker Henderson I want to take a moment out of your day to talk about a woman near and dear to a lot of Dispatch reader’s hearts. Lois Wiirre, creator of the ‘Everything Old is New Again’ recipe column has been sharing her family recipes and the stories behind them for over a… Read More

  • Minnesota State Patrol operates 15 K-9 units across the state

    Published on November 14, 2023 at 7:21pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: Does the Minnesota State Patrol have K9s? In what purpose do they serve? Answer: The Minnesota State Patrol K-9 unit is currently staffed with 15 K-9 teams trained to detect the odor of narcotics, and one team trained to detect explosives. The State Patrol’s dogs are not trained in other typical… Read More

  • Adventures of the old Yurho brothers

    Published on November 14, 2023 at 7:21pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda The Yurho brothers were sitting in Smut’s Bar and Butcher Shoppe Emporium, all four of them: Stinky, Coffee, Pinball, and Belkula. They were tightfistedly nursing  tap beers and watching through the big plate glass window over the bar as several men butchered their way through an assortment of deer. Only in Boatville… Read More

  • Make sure to feed the birds

    Published on November 7, 2023 at 4:57pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    By Bev Johnson Master Gardener Now that gardening has come to a halt, it’s time to think about feeding the birds. Birds are messy eaters. They chuck the seed hulls all over the place. They are really picky and often will pull what seems to be a perfectly good seed out of the feeder and throw it… Read More

  • Unbelievable breakthrough with energy

    Published on November 7, 2023 at 4:57pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda Every few years, a new device that is a “guaranteed unbelievable breakthrough in energy savings” comes along. Back in the 60s, a “new breakthrough in the dynamic viscosity of hydraulics” was the latest heating “discovery.” This device, which as I remember weighed quite a bit, like around 30 or 40 pounds, bragged… Read More

  • History of the maroon and gold colors

    Published on November 7, 2023 at 4:56pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: What is the deal with the Minnesota State Patrol and the maroon colored squad cars? I’ve traveled all over the United States and don’t know if I’ve ever seen this color used before. Is there a reason for this? Answer: Good observation and yes, there is a reason deep within the… Read More

  • Dealing with an infestation of flies in the house

    Published on October 31, 2023 at 3:07pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    By Bev Johnson Master Gardner Bunkey and his buddies were having coffee at the Pretty Good Café last week and complaining about the state of the world. Bunkey was being unusually quiet. “What is going on in your house?” asked Al.  “Petunia has her bloomers in a bunch because there are little flies all over the… Read More

  • Keeping our kids safe from fentanyl

    Published on October 31, 2023 at 2:25pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson

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    To the Editor,  Fentanyl is cheap to produce, easy to disguise as prescription or over-the-counter pills, and can be deadly in doses small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil. Cartels have harnessed the power of social media to sell this deadly drug, leaving our kids in danger. In fact, one pill can kill. I… Read More

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