The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda Parenting has sure changed since my generation were kids. Most of what our parents threatened to do to us for punishment back in the fifties would now involve half the local social services bureau, along with some emergency responders, the police, and the fire department. And now? It’s all “time out” and… Read More
Creative punishments in the good ol’ days
Published on September 20, 2023 at 2:20pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
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Well intentioned but…wrong
Published on September 20, 2023 at 2:19pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0To the Editor, The framers of our nation’s “by the people” pledge leading to our election process made a critical error in defining qualifications to run for president that is …be a natural born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years old and been a resident for 14 years. Of course, they couldn’t… Read More
Proper motorcycle eye protection
Published on September 20, 2023 at 2:18pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I read one of your articles about motorcyclists needing to wear eye protection. Do contacts qualify as eye protection? Answer: Contact lenses do not qualify as protective eyewear. Motorcyclists are required to wear protective eyewear, such as glasses, goggles or a face shield, even if the motorcycle is equipped with… Read More
Waiting to visit the Yet Room
Published on September 12, 2023 at 2:39pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda It is becoming more and more difficult, as I reach this age where I am now, not to spend some time looking back. Looking back and comparing yesteryear to this year, and marveling at the changes I’ve been privileged to have seen. And marveling at some that haven’t happened. For example: The biggest… Read More
Seniors deserve lower drug costs
Published on September 12, 2023 at 2:38pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0To the Editor, The cost of prescription drugs has been too high for too long, and it’s hurt American’s health and bank accounts. Medicines don’t work if people can’t afford them. For far too many people, high drug prices can force difficult choices like whether to ration meds or food or not pay the electric bill… Read More
Easy steps to take to use E-Z Pass lanes in Twin Cities
Published on September 12, 2023 at 2:38pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I read your column in the newspaper but don’t think I’ve seen this question. When traveling in the Twin Cities with the required number of passengers in your car, can you use the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes? Do you need to have a transponder set to carpool or some… Read More
Testing the use of urine derived fertilizers
Published on September 12, 2023 at 2:37pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0By Bev Johnson Master Gardener Did you know that if you plant some bulbs and corms too shallow, they will pull themselves to the depth they are happier at? They do this with contractile roots. This type of root loose much of their length as the root cells shorten and broaden. This action pulls the bulb… Read More
Thank You
Published on September 5, 2023 at 2:32pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our friends, family, and community for the recent fundraisers. Thank you to United Community Bank, Gathering Grounds, New York Mills VFW, Finn Creek Festival, Bluffton Hometown Days and the New York Mills School for hosting fundraisers over the past month. Thank you to all the individuals,… Read More
Liberating ‘old’ findings in the fridge
Published on September 5, 2023 at 2:31pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda There was a time when, after living here on my own for some time, The Young Girls (who are now not “Old” but kind of “Less Young.”) gathered here at the house. They seemed totally united in their purpose. Their target? Date codes on food. It rapidly became a contest to see… Read More
Maintaining proper tire condition on vehicles
Published on September 5, 2023 at 2:30pm GMT+0000 Tucker Henderson| Author: Tucker Henderson
0Ask A Trooper Sgt. Jesse Grabow Question: I was recently issued a citation and it states “tires extending beyond fenders” – I have a clarification question on the statute listed, 169.734 It states, “Every passenger automobile shall have fenders, or other devices, that are designed to prevent, as far as practicable, water, dirt, or other material being… Read More