
  • Several old sayings that are still new

    Published on April 21, 2021 at 4:18am GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    “There’s a little good in the worst of us, And a little bad in the best of us. It scarce behooves the most of us, To talk about the rest of us.” I don’t know who the author of that quote is. I can tell you that my uncle quoted it to my cousin so many times and for… Read More

  • Learning lessons the hard way

    Published on April 14, 2021 at 7:10pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Over the years, I’ve been told many things by my Elders and Betters that have turned out to not be: 1. True, or 2. Fun, or  3.Beneficial, and maybe 4. Physically possible.   One of the first things that are memorable was one of my parents saying: “Open up. This will make you feel better.” Although… Read More

  • Motorists can use a bike lane to turn when safe

    Published on April 14, 2021 at 7:10pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Question: When driving on a road that has a bike lane to the right. Can you turn onto the bike lane with your vehicle to make a right turn? Thank you. Answer: Yes, but you always need to be aware of your surroundings and the rules of the road.  Whenever a bicycle lane has been established… Read More

  • Vaccine knocks publisher out of work for a few days

    Published on April 14, 2021 at 7:09pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    In the past 11 years I think I have called in sick to work a total of one time. That instance occurred with what I like to call the Chow Mein Hot dish fiasco in which I got sick from eating hot dish with an Asian flare. Of course, when you are the boss and… Read More

  • Shrine Circus canceled due to COVID-19 concerns

    Published on April 7, 2021 at 8:38pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    To the Editor, As the Shrine philanthropy centers around the well-being of children, and with the name of safety in mind, we will not be having our Annual Birak Shrine Circus in 2021 due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Our Shrine Circus is mainly sponsored by small businesses in the area, we would like to thank each and… Read More

  • Legacy of the outdoors

    Published on April 7, 2021 at 8:38pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    By Tucker Henderson Special to the Dispatch Once you get to a certain skill level in family history research, you start to notice and find things that were formerly unknown. I guess I have achieved to that level, because while searching old newspapers online for any and all variations of “Piippo” (which is misspelled more often than… Read More

  • Prairie Spy: Plus and minus

    Published on April 7, 2021 at 8:37pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    Sometimes, you just have to sit down and list some of the  occurrences that happened during the past week or so. By doing that, you find out whether or not the “plusses and minuses” come out your way. Or not. It does sometimes boil down to an old saying: “Sometimes you eat the bear; sometimes he… Read More

  • Buttermilk, a true NYM story from the 1930s

    Published on April 7, 2021 at 8:36pm GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    By Rod Bernu Special to the Dispatch Living in a small town like New York Mills in the 1930’s was a quiet life without modern conveniences, but great farm products. My father, being a farm boy loved buttermilk. Often, on Saturday morning he would send me on my bicycle with an empty syrup pail to buy buttermilk… Read More

  • A short history of Finn Creek

    Published on March 25, 2021 at 3:58am GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    By Tucker Henderson Special to the Dispatch After attending the Finn Creek annual meeting on the 13th, having purple doughnuts for St. Urho’s Day on the 16th, and speaking with Finns all week long, I thought it was appropriate to write about the story behind the Finn Creek Open Air Museum south of town. The Minnesota Finnish… Read More

  • A tracking device could come in handy on the farm

    Published on March 25, 2021 at 3:57am GMT+0000 Chad Koenen| Author: Chad Koenen

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    The last time I had any commentary on my occasional instances of doing harm to myself was from one of my children. I had slipped and chipped two front teeth as I was climbing onto one of my tractors on the farm. “Look,” one of The Young Girls said to me—(and they’re not that young anymore)—“We’ll… Read More

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